Jack the ol'geezer
The Old and The Restless[DEAD].
Scene starts outside of a very normal retirement home that is called 'Cemetery Gates Community' The camera pan's in through a window to a sitting room inside the retirement home. There is O.A.P's scattered round the room doing various old people stuff. Two men playing chess. Old lady listening to an old record player. Old man asleep in arm chair. There is a figure sitting in the corner away from the rest. As the camera pans to this figure a old man walks by the camera muttering “Baa Baa black sheep...Baa Baa black sheep...”.The camera reaches the figure. He was writing on a pad of paper. Camera moves the a shoot of the Note pad and what is written on the paper. On the paper is a drawing of a body(Blue prints to make a monster) and a list of body parts on the side of the paper. There was red ticks beside the list by certain parts and red circles around certain parts of the drawing. There is a shoot of the mans eyes all darting and shifty. Inner monologue of this man goes “Look at them all. They all think I am crazy,They called my nuts and said I was mad but I'll show them. Yes I'll show them.”He jumps up out of the seat and shouts out “I'll show you all and then we'll see who's crazy.” Everyone in the room is looking at him. The sounds off crickets fills the room. He looks around and slowly walks out of the room whistling as if all was normal.
This scene starts on a ward room wit a old lady sitting in the front of the shoot watching “Antique Road Show”.The orderly's are in the background pulling a curtain around a bed. One orderly says “Its a shame he was a nice old man”. Second orderly replies “Yeah but its one less diaper to change” and they walk out of the room leaving just the old lady and the the dead man behind the curtain. A few minutes later our mad scientist comes sneaking into the room wit a tool bag in hand. The bag has bloody saw's and tool poking out of it. He sneaks behind the curtain and you see a shadow of him taking out a tool and start working on the body. There is a lot of sawing and banging sounds but it seems the old lady is taking no notice of the noise.(Joke idea:lady is talking to the Dead person in the background as the scientist is cutting it up. The old lady thinks the sound's the scientist is making are replies for the dead guy?)He peeks out the curtain and then slips out from behind wit blood on him and a foot sticking out of his tool bag now. Next shoot is of the list of body parts and he ticks a box off and pan down to the next on the list.
Next scene is a man asleep in a arm chair with his head flopped over the back of the chair. Our mad scientist comes walking over with a big axe slightly hidden behind his back. He looks around for a bit and turns sharply and cuts off the top of the sleeping mans head(off screen). There is a hollow top sound and he bends over and picks up a brain. He looks at it and smiles dusting off the dirt. And walks off screen.
Its night time and there is lightning and thunder. In a dark room our mad scientist is standing over an operation table with a body on it that is covered by a sheet. He has to wires in his hands and plugs them together with a spark. He then makes his way over to this big lever switch on the wall and throws the lever down. He shouts “Give my creation life” and starts laughing crazily. He then pulls back up the lever and the camera starts to slowly pan away and you see shadows of this creature rising from the table. The scientist is screaming “Its alive...ALIVE”.Fade to black.
Fade back from black to reveal the mad scientist sitting there beside a very old and ill Frankenstein monster. The monster is on a drip and has an oxygen tube. They sit there in silence.
The End